Communications Potential
We engage with local communities to present development proposals, seek meaningful feedback, overcome issues and win support – contributing to the creation of better places.

About Communications Potential

At Communications Potential, we devise effective communication strategies to accompany development proposals – winning support, overcoming opposition and securing permission.

Effective community consultation is not only encouraged by national and local government, but also makes commercial sense. Our carefully devised consultation strategies ensure that likely issues are anticipated and addressed, proposals are clearly presented and the application process is eased. We are proud of our ability to encourage meaningful engagement, demonstrate good practice and achieve positive outcomes.

Your project may be challenging or controversial, but that doesn’t deter us. We are accustomed to explaining project objectives, presenting benefits and engaging with local communities and stakeholders to overcome concerns.

If you’re looking for some advice before you acquire a piece of land, need us to develop a full communications strategy, want us to organise a consultation event, or simply need a little help with message setting, we have the necessary expertise.

Our consultants have a full understanding of the planning system and a wide range of communication skills and experience to respond to any challenge.