Charlotte Hunter
Associate, London
An experienced public affairs consultant, Charlotte specialises in advising clients on development proposals and land promotion. She works for both public and private sector clients and often engages across administrative boundaries.
BA (Hons) History – Durham University
MA Medieval History – Durham University
Charlotte recognises the importance of understanding the political, community and site context in delivering her clients’ objectives.
Having successfully delivered targeted communications programmes for major redevelopment projects throughout the UK, Charlotte is an experienced public affairs consultant.
Prior to joining Planning Potential in March 2020, Charlotte specialised in advising clients on development proposals and land promotion, with specific expertise in dealing with proposals in the Green Belt. Her experience and skill set means she understands the development process and knows how to communicate complex matters, clearly and effectively, to different audiences.
Her work frequently involves engaging across administrative boundaries, working for both the private and public sectors.
In addition, Charlotte has specific expertise in delivering communications programmes for extra care and third age living projects within and outside London.
With a strong understanding of the product and the needs of her clients, Charlotte gets the nuances and the importance of effective messaging to help secure local support and ultimately planning consent.
A former Political Assistant for a local political party association, and party activist, Charlotte played an integral role in successful and comprehensive local and general election campaigns. Since then she has used her strong strategic campaigning and political engagement skills to help her clients secure planning consent for residential, retail and mixed-use schemes across the country.
When she’s not traipsing off on her next adventure, or visiting the latest blockbuster exhibition, Charlotte loves nothing more than to while away the summer days at a cricket match, with TMS her soundtrack of choice.