
Geronimo Inns

Crispin Place, Spitalfields Market

By providing a noise assessment to address technical issues, and a careful communications approach to convince Councillors that community pubs should be supported, not resisted, the application was approved at Committee.

Planning Potential were able to secure the change of use of an Indian Restaurant, 'Scarlet Dot' to a pub run by Geronimo Inns.

The application was subject to opposition from local residents who were concerned the proposals would have an adverse impact on local amenity, particularly in relation to use of the external terrace.

However, by providing a noise assessment to address technical issues, and a careful communications approach to convince Councillors that community pubs should be supported, not resisted, the application was approved at Committee. This was despite objectors appointing a barrister to represent them.

We engaged in consultation with local residents and Councillors throughout the process and received a positive recommendation at Planning Committee.

One local resident decided to challenge the Council's decision to approve the application. Planning Potential worked with our client's lawyers and the Council to prove that the resident's application for Judicial Review had no basis and should be refused. Subsequently, the High Court refused permission for the Judicial Review, and the pub has now opened.

Summary of achievements

  • Preparation of Planning Statement
  • Liaison with acoustic consultants
  • Promotion of the application
  • Communication services
  • Liaison with local residents to address concerns
  • Liaison with the Local Planning Authority through to committee approval
  • Liaison with the Local Planning Authority and lawyers to defend Judicial Review

People Involved