

Silver End, Braintree District Council

Communications Potential helps to secure planning permission for 350 new homes in Silver End, Essex

After outline planning permission was granted at appeal in 2016, Redrow entered into an agreement to purchase Land North of Western Road, Silver End, in order to deliver 350 much-needed new homes in the village of Silver End, Essex.

The outline application was refused by the local planning authority against a backdrop of strong opposition from local residents. With permission granted at appeal and the principle of development consequently established, Redrow was keen to engage positively with the local community.

Communications Potential was appointed to assist with pre-application activities ahead of a reserved matters planning submission. We coordinated a two-stage consultation process, helping to build trust with community leaders by demonstrating how our plans had responded to their concerns prior to submission. To complement the drop-in consultation events, Communications Potential attended a meeting with the Parish Council to present the plans and respond to questions.

Ahead of determination by the Council’s planning committee, we prepared a members’ briefing document to highlight the design quality within the reserved matters submission, and crafted a persuasive speech for our client to deliver on the night. The result was a comfortable approval by members.

Communications Potential has been retained throughout the construction process to assist with community liaison activities, as well as providing press and social media advice related to sensitive landscaping works.

People Involved