Young & Co.'s Brewery
The Weyside, Guildford
When an initial application to extend and enhance facilities at the Weyside pub in Guildford was rejected at committee – despite receiving officers’ support – Communications Potential were asked to help ensure that a revised application could win approval.
Acting on behalf of Young’s, and working closely with Planning Potential, Communications Potential secured support from Council officers for an application to extend and enhance facilities at the Weyside pub in Guildford. Although the attractive and popular pub is not listed, it is located within the Millmead and Portsmouth Road Conservation Area and the Corridor of the River Wey. Unfortunately, when the application was considered at planning committee, it was rejected by members who feared that the extension would have a harmful impact on the conservation area and affect important local views.
The project team took members’ concerns on board and prepared revised development proposals that would enhance the pub facilities, whilst preserving the character and appearance of the conservation area. Illustrative views of the revised extension helped demonstrate how its impact would be minimised.
We prepared an update leaflet for neighbouring residents and ward members, to explain how the proposals had been revised. Our efforts to communicate how the plans had changed culminated in the submission of three letters of support from local residents. The application was approved in March 2016.
Summary of achievements
- Successfully demonstrating how the extension proposals had been revised in response to feedback from members and local residents
- Securing support from local residents by communicating the many benefits of the revised application
- Helping to address member concerns and secure a delegated approval
- Helping to enable the extension and enhancement of a popular pub business